Hozzászóláshoz be kell jelentkezned

ennyiert sem?
400 ast nem vennék még 426 ost se nagyon
ez az:
nem tudom elérni nem veszi fel,nem hív vissza...
Mondd Zolinak, ne nekunk....
Van most egy Yamaha YZ 400 (99-es)elado utanfutoval, crossruhaval, 280.000 Ft-ert elado...ha lenne penzem, megvennem...3 evet allt garazsban, nem is hasznalta a srac

Itt ilyen arak vannak
ja,csak nem tudod mit kapok otthon minden egyes nap..és teljesen igazuk van...mégis csak egy 700ezer forintos dologról társalgunk
azt montad, nem erdekel a motor...
nem tudok mit tenni,ez a baj
felejtsd el....
egyiken sose tudtam, másikon már kezdek egész jól elfelejteni, úgyhogy marad az angol
figyelj Dani ez a gasgas forum vagy spanyolul irjál, vagy magyarul,
amerikai fórumról...milyen gecire igaza van
"gun shops in europe?

I was in europe for two weeks last month, and only seen two gun shops while I was there. I know guns aren't as popular...or legal in europe as they are in America, but the two shops I did see were rather pathetic.

I went to one in Bucharest, Romania, and they only had 8 guns in there! I've got three times that many in my safe, and I'm just poor white trash. To be fair, the few guns they had were all super expensive brands like Merkel, which is a far cry from my small collection of mossbergs and keltecs, but still, I thought it was pretty sad. At least the chick running the place was hot though....in a third world, malnourished, vampire kinda way.

The only other gun shop I seen was in Budapest, Hungary. It was closed the day I was there and had bars on the windows so I couldn't really peek in, but most of the stickers on the windows were for American gun makers like Remington and Winchester.

So are gun shops/selection really as limited in europe as it appeared to me?

Another thing that surprised me about the places I visited in europe (romanian, austria, slovakia, germany, hungary), was just how much graffitti and hoodlums there was. Every major city I went to looked just as bad as any comparably sized American city. Romania is probably the worst place I've ever visited in my life. In fact, I felt more unsafe there than I ever have in Mexico.

Although I wasn't a victim of any sort of crimes or anything while I was there, I do know that if I had to live in any of those countries, I'd rather have a gun to protect myself than to be reliant on the police, as europe appears just as dangerous as America does. Maybe I'm just an eternal pessimist (or maybe europeans are naive or in denial), but I just don't get how europeans can be so anti-gun, when their countries feel just as unsafe as ours does, only they don't have the right to protect themselves?

After talking to some of the folks over there, I was also amazed at how many of them thought America was some lawless nation overrun with gun loving hillibillies who rob, rape, and shoot everything in sight. Regardless of our last president, I was disappointed by the amount of anti-Americanism held by most of the people I talked to, and how most of them believed their nation's were so much better and safer than ours, even though they clearly have less freedoms. Makes me glad I live in the greatest state in the greatest nation on earth. "
hát te nagyon kész vagy,
Monnyuk tényleg gázgáz már a sztori
nagyon rég.fél éve kb. haza szeretném hozni.tényleg. én jövőre motorozni akarok. de tényleg...honnan tudjam hogy meg van e még vagy valami? valaki próbálja már meg elérni Zozit,légyszíves.
MIkor láttad utoljára élőben?
Zozi telefonja csak csörög és csörög. most tényleg,mi van az én motorommal?
ottvannak fölötte az előző évjáratok is, bikepics alapján '88as, szóval minimum 516cc, de "lenes" 4 decit mond. Akkor gáz ha fél litert rakok bel?